
Our Tricorn Hat Logo

Colonial Folk Art Signature Tricorne Ornament
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The tricorne (or tricorn) is a style of hat that was popular during the latter colonial period (18th century). Known in contemporary time as a "cocked hat", it was popular with the rich and poor, comoner and nobility -- it was even adopted by some nations for their military.

The obvious tie to the Colonial period and our name, Colonial Folk Art, prompted us to use this headgear as our logo.

Logo is not a stock image of a tricorne. Instead it is a picture of a painting done by our co-founder, Beverly Burgdorf, for the first Colonial Folk Art sign. It was digitized by Davie Burgdorf with the bronze ring added to replace the original wood of the sign. The original is out at the Williamsburg Antique Mall.

Since the logo is from an original piece of art by Beverly Burgdorf, she and Colonial Folk Art own the rights to the image and retain both copyright and trademark rights to it.